
The objective of our Institution is to identify and rehabilitate the persons with mental lie challenged Persons. Thus we are giving special training to those persons and hence to improve the overall quality of life of those mentally disable children. “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop”. Hence these people of they sit idle alone, it becomes a drastic problem to their parents and also their level of retardation increases. Thus we are training each of the students’ different activities through vocational training by providing special advocacy service. Thus each of our students should be the rose buds of our society.


SANJOE SADAN's journy for last two decades passes through different corners of the opportunities to develop
the overall development of the mentally retarded children.

Our Service

We provide veriety of services to our participants
for the overall development of their character.


The school admits children regardless of their religion, cast, gender and age. The inmates of the institute are of no age limit.

Awareness Programme

The institute conduct regular awareness programme for the public at the rare of two programmes a year, usually a seminar and a camp.

Recreational Activities

We give importance to the indoor and outdoor games. This helps in their intellectual; physical and mental growth of a child.

Vocational Training

Vocational training is provided at the institute with the primary objective of rehabilitation of mentally challenged children.

Contact Us

South Thuravoor
Cherthala, Alappuzha - 688 532
Phone : +91 9496881239, 0478-2569129, 0478-2562653